Occupational Medicine Specialty Exam
Achieve your Occupational Medicine Certification by using Datachem's OccMed Specialty Version 5.0 to prepare for the Occupational Medicine Specialty examination offered by the American Board of Preventive Medicine (www.theabpm.org).
OccMed Specialty Version 5.0 is an interactive self-study program containing 571 multiple choice questions. Each question is accompanied by detailed explanations and references. The questions are organized into three topic areas (below). Select the Free Quiz option to sample the questions.
Prevention, Exposure Assessment,
Hazard Recognition and Control
Clinical Patient Care
Program Features:
Study at your own Pace. Licenses are available in 90 – 365 day options. Purchase only what you need.
Study When and Where you want. Use any internet connected smartphone, tablet or laptop to study. Download and CD versions are available for those who don’t have a reliable internet connection.
Focus your efforts where you need it most. Create and use practice tests to focus your studies more efficiently.
Measure your progress with the Practice Exam module. Simulate the exam by taking a timed practice test. Click to Take a Tour of the Practice Test Module
Proven, trusted study resource.
For over thirty years, thousands of professionals have relied on Datachem Software programs to help them pass their certification exam. Most of us lead very busy lives, juggling work responsibilities with professional development, plus family and personal time. Datachem self-study programs allow users to fit their professional development studies into their schedule, rather than adjust their lifestyle and schedules to fit study requirements.
Our mission is to help professionals pass their certification exams. In addition to the programs, our team is available to answer questions and troubleshoot problems. We also encourage your feedback so we can improve our products and help others with their purchase decision.
Author: Dr. Carolyn S. Langer
Dr. Carolyn S. Langer is the author of OccMed Specialty program. She is an Instructor at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), where she teaches a graduate course on Occupational Health Law, Policy and Administration and sits on the HSPH Occupational Medicine Residency Advisory Committee. She also holds an appointment as Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and sits on the Advisory Board for the Health Policy and Management Department at the Boston University School of Public Health.
She received her medical degree from Jefferson Medical College and completed her residency in occupational medicine at the Harvard School of Public Health. She holds a law degree and a Master’s in Public Health from Harvard University. She is board certified in occupational medicine.
Dr. Langer has an extensive career as a physician executive, including positions with a managed care workers' compensation company, Medicaid, and commercial health plans. She is also a retired Colonel and former flight surgeon in the Army National Guard.